Monday 6 December 2010

Good days and bad days

I've just read Mike's latest blog over at The Type 1 Game. In summary, it describes the horrific low his daughter had, and the ensuing rollercoaster of blood glucose levels - and yet when asked how her weekend was, Adele said she'd had an 'awesome' weekend.

It kind of got me thinking a bit about how much I bring diabetes into my 'bigger picture' - such as a question like, how was your weekend? My immediate thoughts are never with diabetes. I think it's because it is so ingrained into me, that I just don't let the highs and the lows register on my radar on the grander scheme of things.

As much as the highs and the lows affect me at the time - no matter how upset I get, or how crabby I end up feeling - they are such a part of routine that I just don't register them. At the time of course I do - but I soon forget them.

Is that a good thing? In my opinion it is. I'm able to deal with things in the moment (or hour or hours) but I'm also able to forget them quickly enough. I think it's a coping mechanism, a way my mind lets me carry on with things despite the proverbial roller coaster it is riding.


Sam said...

I really agree with this! I don't think about it too much. Diabetes can all but destroy my day but I will still think twice about saying I didn't have a great day unless something else has affected it also. We need a way to cope, guess that is it.

Anonymous said...

For the most part, I agree. Unless it's a High or Low that's so constant or extreme that it really does go above normal and routine... After 26 years, I too am thankful in a sense for this "routine" of it that many more newer-diagnosed people and families must endure.