Monday, 9 May 2011

Diabetes Blog Week #1


I love this time of year! Another great D-blogging week. Here's my contribution for today!

Admiring our differences
Today let’s talk about how great it is to learn from the perspectives of those unlike us!

The blogs I really love reading, that are written by people without d, are the blogs written by parents of kids with t1. I am involved with the Children With Diabetes UK group, and have got to know so many of the parents very well. They teach me so much - and I love learning from them! They have such a big job to do - keeping their kids alive and safe, and they all do it so well. Sure, they make mistakes along the way - but who doesn't! I know I make mistakes with my own care, and I'm the one that can feel the highs and lows. 

I love hearing what it's like from what I consider 'the other side'. They make decisions and choices that will impact on their child's health in the short term and in the long term. They push for the best for their kids, and still maintain a sense of 'normality' (whatever that is) for their families. Their strength and confidence is something I admire greatly. I know at times I have drawn on that strength and confidence in situations I've been in.

I obviously hope that I will never be a d-parent, but I know that should I end up in that situation, I will have a fantastic group of supportive people around me.

I have recently started to help look after a couple of kids (not a regular thing at the moment) who have type 1, and I didn't realise how terrifying it is to have that responsibility. Even though I used the bolus wizard on their pumps, I was absolutely petrified at the thought of putting insulin into their bodies - what if I got it wrong?! It's not quite the same as the full time care given by their parents, but my god it was scary.

So: a big shout out to blogging parents. You guys are fascinating to read, please keep it up!


Lauren said...

YES! I'm a Type 1 and LOVE reading D-parents' blogs too! They are so fascinating to me! :)

meanderings said...

How nice that you can help out by caring for some of the d-kids!

Vivian said...

Lovely post. Thank you for all you do.

Big Swifty said...

Hi Shiv - I sometimes feel a bit of a fraud, hanging with the D-people when I'm not a proper one myself. But they have always welcomed me, and have given us so much useful advice, and most of all,shown us D-parents an example of what our kids' D-management might be like when they become adults themselves. So you lot are role models - no pressure......

George said...

Parents of CWD;s are the most awesome of all!!!

Karen said...

I love the D-Parent blogs too. They give me a peek at the side of diabetes my parents never let me see. And also . . . . well . . . . THEY ROCK!!

mummy2four said...

I am a D parent blogger!!